Let’s Get Raw & Real about Addiction, Codependency & Recovery
In every moment, we have two options:
Choose Less or choose More.
The path to Less looks like isolation, trapped, denial, fear, resistance, excuses, chaos, and stress.
The path to More looks like truth, healing, serenity, courage, possibility, change, community, and freedom.
Right now, you’re at a crossroads.
You don’t need to fix or figure anything out before you begin. You just need to begin so things can be figured out as you move forward.
The choice is yours; the time is now.
Stop waiting for things to get better, for life to change, for your loved ones to change before change can happen. Change happens when you make that choice.
My question to you is –
Are you going to keep doing what you’ve always done, getting the same results you’ve always gotten, and keep going back round the mountain that you know all too well, only to find yourself right back where you started?
Or, are you going to do something new, different, honest, brave, and true to yourself, stepping onto a new path, an unknown path of truth, risk, connection, growth, and possibility, all leading to your freedom?
The choice is yours. It’s always been yours.
To help you make that choice, please join me for a free 4-week series, Preparing For Your Journey Through Codependency.
You see, nothing changes if nothing changes, and how you do anything is how you do everything.
This is your time, right here, right now, to do something different and incredible.
Together we’re going to get real and talk about what it’s like and what it means to love an addict by breaking the silence and shining a light on the hidden places of secrets, shame, and sorrow, moving out of feeling trapped and alone into a place of freedom.