by | Aug 3, 2022

Let’s Get Raw & Real about Addiction, Codependency & Recovery

As I listened to Liz Gilbert say the following words I was so moved by her raw truth and honesty.  At the time the love of her life who had been sober for over 15 years and was dying of cancer chose to begin using again. As with all addicts, Liz’s wife’s addiction was like a raging wildfire that had been lying in wait for its fuel. It was unstoppable and would ravage anyone or anything that got in its way.    Liz was soon faced with an almost impossible decision, to enable herself at her own expense or to love and respect herself enough to do whatever it would take to remove herself from this destruction.  She chose herself and soon there after her wife once again chose sobriety.  

As you read Liz Gilbert’s words hear her heart and her struggle.  And through that also hear the truth that led to her ultimate freedom.

TRUTH & The Addict by Liz Gilbert

“A great truth liberates everyone involved.  

The truth sets everyone free.

Don’t forget every truth you tell is kindness, even if it makes people uncomfortable.

Every un-truth you tell is unkindness even if it makes people comfortable.


Truth tends to make things move quickly, it creates a lot less chaos and drama whether that is internal or external drama


The truth has legs.  Whenever everything else has blown up and all the drama, chaos, lies and madness fall away, the last thing standing is the truth.  Which has been there all along.


Since we’re going to end up with the truth, we might as well start there.


Can I help save an addict…NO!!!


You are not prepared, or are you supposed to be prepared to lose someone before they die.


Nothing you can do will save, rescue, or convince an addict to change.

Addiction is like a vampire in your life.

You have already lost your loved one and now you are dealing with a vampire.  The vampire has taken over.  

When you rescue, excuse, enable, justify, you are actually feeding the vampire.  The vampire might die and a loved one might come back or they might not.


Advice from a recovering addict.

“If they would have gotten out of the way sooner, cut me off sooner, quit enabling rescuing, etc.  Until then I had no reason to quit.”

If you’re desperate for change let this be your Choice Point! The moment you decide that you are the sole director and conductor of your life.
It’s OK to say
“I want something different and I don’t know how to get that”

Let me be your guide from feeling stuck and trapped onto a path of freedom. Click the button below to learn more about my free 4-week series.

From my heart to yours, in truth and in love,

Together we’re going to get real and talk about what it’s like and what it means to love an addict by breaking the silence and shining a light on the hidden places of secrets, shame, and sorrow, moving out of feeling trapped and alone into a place of freedom.

About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.