It’s Time To Wake Up

 It’s Time To Wake Up

 A message from Spirit Four years ago, I was at a retreat, deep in meditation. In that meditative state, I saw myself running with intense urgency into a group of women, some of whom I knew.  As I looked deep into each woman’s eyes, I gently yet firmly held her...
Your Time For Change is Now!

Your Time For Change is Now!

As the New Year is fast approaching, most of us are thinking about resolutions, goals, or the intentions we want to set to create the changes we want or need to make in order to live our one most wild and precious life, at least the one we imagine in our minds every...
How do you feel after an online breathwork session?

How do you feel after an online breathwork session?

This what I most often hear from those who come to breathwork, “This was the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced. My life will never be the same.”  We all have “stuff,” and most of us don’t realize that we’ve been storing it (pushing it down) in our bodies until...
Stop waiting!

Stop waiting!

This fable reminds me of the hundreds of women I have worked with through the years, sitting in a pot of boiling water of fear, resistance, shame, codependency, grief, confusion, and lack of worth.  While it may be a different pot, the one thing they all have in...
How Big is Your Self-Love

How Big is Your Self-Love

Let me ask you a question, and my request is that you take a moment to reflect and answer with complete and radical honesty. How big is your self-love, and how do you love yourself? How big is your self-worth, and how do you embody and express your self-worth? This...