Foundations of Change

The Journey of You

A true hero’s journey.

Root-Reclaim-Rise Up

Embark on a transformative 10-week journey designed to turn self-doubt into self-trust, uncertainty into self-fulfillment, and indecision into self-confidence.

This program will guide you to root yourself in the truth of who you really are, rediscover your power, purpose, and passion, reclaim your voice, and rise up as the true hero of your own story. Join us as you courageously unlock your inner strength and step onto the path of sustainable change. 

heart rock

You Must Be-

Brave enough to be still,

Daring enough to heal,

Courageous enough to listen to your heart as you answer the call to return home to your true self.

The journey to making sustainable change and
trusting in your true self with unwavering faith is not for the faint of heart!

It begins by getting really honest with yourself and admitting that you can’t do it alone or go around the mountain again.

And right now…your facade… is flawless, well-rehearsed, and fiercely guarded to conceal the turmoil within. Yet beneath the masks of smarts, capability, and confidence, you are hiding in plain sight, suffocating silently and secretly, immobilized by self-doubt, uncertainty, and indecision. 

Deep down, there’s a primal scream for liberation, a desperate plea for someone to see through the facade and offer a lifeline to true and lasting freedom.

I understand the struggle. I’ve been there, too.

I’ve had to choose to stop hiding behind all the things, let others in, ask for help, and decide I was never going back around the mountain. Instead, I chose to make brave and powerful choices to take a different path, not one time but time and time again—no matter what!

So it’s just you and me, Sister, and it’s time to talk!

“I’m right here.”

“You’re not alone.”

“I’m listening.”


This is your moment to turn toward those nipping fears and let the loving voice of truth speak.


  • What would it feel like to let your guard down and peek over the fence into your deepest heart desires just for a moment?

  • What is it that you really want to say?

  • If you were being completely honest, how would you answer this question? “If you really knew me, you would know…”

Sister, it’s time for change and I know about change!

After guiding countless women over the past thirty years to come home to their true selves and reclaim their voice so they could experience the freedom they so deeply craved, Foundations of Change was created.

Foundations of Change (FOC) was born out of an urgent necessity and a profound belief: every woman deserves the chance to transform her past traumas, grief, and pain into power, purpose, and passion.

This labor of love embodies the difficult, painful, and often relentless life experiences that led me on my own healing journey of change and transformation.

With a deep understanding, extensive experience, and a heart full of compassion, I know what it takes to heal and create sustainable change. FOC is fueled by my personal, courageous, and challenging Hero’s Journey. It stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the belief that healing and transformation are not just possible but within reach for every woman.

Through the years, I’ve uncovered a vital truth: Freedom is within your grasp, and change is yours to create if you’re willing to lay the foundation based on the truth of where you are, right here, right now.
You see, nothing—absolutely nothing—can grow, thrive, or come to fruition without a solid foundation of truth.

That truth, courageous sister, lies within you and is waiting at the crossroads of your life for you to take that pivotal step forward onto the path of change as you become the hero of your own story and answer the call of your heart to return home to yourself, the one you’ve been waiting for all along.

Foundations of Change serves as your roadmap and becomes your anchor and beacon, guiding you with absolute clarity onto the path of sustainable change so you can confidently answer the call of your heart, embrace your truth, fulfill your purpose, and embody freedom as your most authentic self.

Going through Foundations of Change has been a catalyst for transformation for me. For the first time in my life I feel completely grounded in who I am, empowered with a clarity that I never had before.

Mikki is an AMAZING coach and guide. She created a sacred, safe, and nurturing environment to do this work and imparted so much thought-provoking wisdom throughout the program. It was a deeply personal process, and I could feel her unwavering commitment to our personal growth every step of the way.

The combination of group and individual one-on-one sessions was so powerful for doing the work, supporting each other, and processing. Each of the six weeks, I felt motivated, supported, and accountable. It was exciting to feel that each week, I was moving more and more into alignment with my true self.

A testimonial of success is that people close to me have commented on my new sense of inner strength. I cannot recommend this program enough. Mikki is there to walk alongside you to help you uncover your true self, understand your ‘why’ and motivate you to embrace your goals and move into meaningful action.

Having access to Mikki through the scheduled sessions, Voxer, and email made me feel like I was never alone and that I didn’t have to wait until the next scheduled session to work through something.

Jennie Warner

Hypnotherapist , Fly Without Fear

Choose your path

Standing at The Crossroad:

This is where your true hero’s journey begins.

As you might imagine, embarking on any journey requires a roadmap, a compass, and a clear sense of direction. It also calls for mentorship and guidance every step of the way. You can’t do it alone.

“If you are brave enough to be still, Truth will become your tap Root as you learn to trust the process and trust yourself. You will Reclaim your voice as you become daring enough to heal and courageous enough to listen inward, following the voice of your heart  Rising Up as your true self.”

Here’s How We’ll Build a Strong Foundation:

Each week, you will dive a little deeper, peel back another layer, gain a little more clarity, and commit to a goal that aligns with your true self. Each week builds upon the next.

But a vision without a plan is merely wishful thinking, so a necessary and key element to all change is taking ACTION!

I’m not talking about any kind of action, I’m talking about

 Meaningful – Messy – Imperfect Action.

  1. Meaningful: Adding meaning is like pouring gas on a fire; it becomes your fuel, builds momentum, and sustains you along the way.  
  2. Messy: Yep, you get to get messy, raw, and real; you get to get down and dirty, fall on your beautiful face, ugly cry, and trust that there’s magic in the middle of the mess.
  3. Imperfect: You get to make mistakes, not know how, not figure it out ahead of time, be afraid, and show up exactly as you are-perfectly imperfect! 

Mikki’s Foundations of Change program has been life-changing for me. 

I have taught for 20 years and was using alcohol to cope with constant stress and disrespect.  It has been the logical, safe choice to stay in a job that was no longer fulfilling, but with Mikki’s coaching, I have taken massive steps to change my life. 

Through the group sessions, journal prompts, and discussions I have identified behaviors and thoughts that kept me stuck.  Mikki encouraged me to make small changes and explore fears that were holding me back.

Today, I am applying to a Master’s degree program that lights me up, reignites my passion for learning, and aligns with my core values.  With Mikki’s individual coaching sessions focused on inspired action, I have identified what is truly important to me in my life. 

I have since stopped drinking to feel into my decisions and take inspired action toward my dreams.  Today, I’m coming to know who I truly am and living as my most authentic self.

Beth Williams


The 10-Week Plan

Part 1: Planting Your Roots

Week One: Departure

You will begin by leaving your comfort zone and stepping onto the path of your learning zone. We’ll set intentions for our time together and use Life’s Balance Wheel to bring into focus your most honest and true-to-yourself starting point. Then, we’ll waste no time. You’ll connect with your Journey Sister, who will be your partner, your mirror, and your touchpoint as we walk this path.

Week Two: The Call to Awareness

You’ll take an honest look at where you are now, bringing awareness and clarity to any barriers that may be standing in the way of your goals. We’ll take your six-month goal, reverse engineer what it’ll take for you to arrive there, and chart your course.

Week Three: Crossing The Threshold

Here is where you plant your stake in the ground as you cross the threshold and begin to walk a new path toward your true self. This is where trust in yourself begins to take root.

Week Four:  Deep Reflection

This week, we take a sacred pause, reflect, and listen inward.  This is the no-matter-what moment as you deepen your roots of truth and take another look at where you are and where you’re going. Make any necessary adjustments and prepare to continue on your journey. 

Part 2: Reclamation

Week Five: Adversities and Supports: A Call to Change, A Call to Action

Every journey has obstacles, opposition, pitfalls, and trials. It takes tremendous courage and honesty to identify those people, places, and things that no longer serve you, stand in your way, are old, worn-out patterns, beliefs, excuses, coping mechanisms, or habits that are sure to sabotage you. And then it takes even more courage to take meaningful, messy, imperfect action.

Week Six: Walking The Sacred Path of Grief

At this stage of the journey, you will begin your descent into the sacred and hallowed ground of grief, and she is the midwife who can birth you into new levels of healing…only with your willingness, participation, and permission.

Week Seven: Sacred Flames: Wake the Heroine’s Anger

It’s time to tap into the energy of fire. We will turn up the heat and dig a little deeper into what has been unacceptable, punishable, feared, and silenced throughout history for women and by women: We will tap into your righteous anger, sacred rage, and the silence that is deafening and waiting to be unleashed, unbridled, and set free.

Week Eight: The Road to Freedom

You will call upon the heart of the lioness that lives inside of you as you fiercely and gently walk the courageous path of forgiveness, embracing and embodying love, grace, compassion, and truth.

Part 3: Rise Up

Week Nine: Quartvois

You’re standing at a critical crossroads—can you feel the weight of the decision before you?

Your Quartvois, your stake-in-the-ground moment, is now. It’s a single moment that the Universe orchestrates just for you. This is where you choose to stay the course and continue to take meaningful, messy, imperfect, and uncomfortable action—no matter what!

Week Ten: Walking The New Path

Here, you notice changes in your self-worth, body, relationship with yourself and others, interaction with the world, and your view of the future. You have a sense of who you are, where you’re going, and what to face as you prepare for the next leg of your journey.

On the journey of change, we need each other.  We can’t do it alone, and we aren’t meant to.

A Clear Vision with a Plan: Confidence often fluctuates with outer circumstances—accomplishments, success, winning, or losing. However, self-worth is inherent in our birthright; it isn’t tied to performance or achievement. It’s an internal, heart-centered knowing that we deserve to live our best lives and be heard, seen, and loved.

This journey begins by returning or journeying home to one’s true self. Empowered and equipped with this understanding, you can stay the course honestly, facing and overcoming the necessary challenges, pitfalls, oppositions, and obstacles along the path of your hero’s journey.

What I learned is that Mikki knows how to guide me even when I don’t know where to go next.

 My words, thoughts, beliefs are transforming. I feel lighter, like I can breathe more easily. She is incredibly caring and present and knows when and where to press… for me, getting to the root… helping me understand so much that has also been just out of my reach… and the connection of physical pain from past trauma… my nervous system settling down.

Even my shoulder increased mobility right after my last session… and that’s just the physical.

Once you are ready to open the door, hold on for the ride. She’s been a God-send to me. There is already a ripple effect to my family. May she be for you as well.

And school… started today.

Doing so much with her that no, I am not as ready as I hoped to be but this internal work has me captivated.


FOC Alumni

You will not walk this path alone

Weekly calls

Group calls: 10 90-minute Weekly Group calls for teaching foundations and workbook time.
1:1 Coaching: 8 60-minute 1:1 calls to personalize your change – there’s no hiding.

Journey Sister

You’ll have a Journey Sister to work with 1:1 for accountability, support, and to champion you.

Voxer access

Foundations of Change Voxer group for accountability, momentum, and breakthrough guidance.

This is a private channel for in-the-moment support because that’s when you’re the most real, can come out of hiding, and can learn to trust yourself and your community as you face opportunities for choice in that moment.

Foundations of Change Workbook

Workbook to guide the experience and have as a reference for growth post-FOC. 

VIP Access

Participation in any of Mikki’s workshops outside of Foundations of Change.

Closing Circle

The date will be decided within the program.

Select your payment plan

Unleash Your True Power: Root, Reclaim, and Rise Up!

Discover the intimate, transformative experience you’ve been seeking—limited to just 6 courageous women.

Come home to your true self. You are the one you’ve been looking for all along! It’s time to embark on the Journey of You with Foundations of Change. Your moment is now to step onto the path of sustainable change, ground yourself in authenticity, and reclaim your voice as you become the hero of your own story.

Working with Mikki in our one-on-one coaching sessions was something I looked forward to every week. When I was going in circles in my thinking or focusing on my limitations, our sessions would bring me back to clarity and strength. Mikki always said the exact thing I needed to hear to open up my perspective and help me shift my thinking. She’s got a gift. I feel so blessed to have worked with her. 

Courtney G.

This is for you if you…

  • You’re ready to stop running from that nagging feeling and face it head-on?
  • You’re prepared to commit fully, put yourself first, and stay the course, even when it gets tough—and it will!
  • You’re ready to reclaim your voice and embody your power unapologetically, even if you’re not sure what that looks like yet.
  • Deep down, you know your time is now, and you must make sustainable changes to avoid going back around the mountain again.
  • You understand that there are no quick fixes; change demands courage, risk, honesty, willingness, commitment, and perseverance.
  • You desire freedom and want to live as your most powerful, whole, and brilliant self.

This is NOT for you if you…

  • For now, you want a quick fix or a bypass.
  • You aren’t ready to commit fully to yourself and to a supportive community like the Journey Sisters.
  • You prefer to complain about experiencing this pain rather than take responsibility and action to change it.
  • You are actively practicing an addiction, living with an addict, or caught in active codependency.
  • You would rather remain trapped, unfulfilled, and frustrated, continuing to “dance with the devil,” afraid to embrace the life you truly deserve.

My healing is your healing. Your healing is my healing.
I am you. You are me, We are one, and
Together We Rise.

Register today and take the first courageous and empowering step towards living as your true self, tapping into your wise-woman knowing so you can live as your most powerful, whole, and brilliant self.