by | Sep 20, 2023

Your journey, with all its highs and lows, has shaped you into the incredible person you are today, and nothing that anyone has EVER done to you or that you have EVER done makes you unworthy, unloveable, or unqualified.  Absolutely Nothing!

I know the struggle of self-worth and the battle with that little voice inside that plagues you with criticism, comparison, self-doubt, and second-guessing, chiming in to say, “who do you think you are? You will never amount to anything; you are not enough!!  Do more, try harder, say less, and settle, settle, settle!”

You Must, and I repeat, You Must, Call B.S.!!!

Here are six ways you can tap into and build upon your self-worth. 
Remember, it’s a journey, a marathon,
not a sprint.

  1. Clear the clutter. Do your work and begin by taking total responsibility for your life, healing, future, and everything in between.
  2. Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect.  And if you don’t know how or where to begin, ask for help and seek guidance or support from someone who can lead the way. You are not supposed to or meant to do this alone or on your own.  That is a DANGERZONE!
  3. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and acknowledge the progress you regularly make by sharing your successes with someone you trust and who has your back.  Baby steps over time create BIG change.
  4. Count your blessings morning and night. Gratitude changes everything.
  5. Learn to set healthy internal and external boundaries to put yourself first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
  6. Surround yourself with people who recognize and cherish your worth, encourage you, support and believe in your dreams, passions, and purpose, and distance yourself from those who undermine it. You become like the five people you spend most of your time with.  

Remember that you have a unique contribution to offer to the world. Your presence, your perspective, and your passions matter.  YOU MATTER!  

And just in case no one has told you in a while or ever,

  • You are worthy,
  • You are enough
  • You are needed, 
  • You are wanted,
  • You are perfect just the way you are
  • You belong
  • You Are LOVED!
About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.