Awakening to Self-Love

Awakening to Self-Love

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” ― Pierre Teilhard De Chardin Dear Sisters, I am calling on...
A Matter of The Heart

A Matter of The Heart

Codependency Codependency is simply or not so simply the separation from your heart, a break, fragmentation, or distance from the place within yourself where your true self lives, breathes, dreams, and creates.  The place where love is born, cultivated, nourished,...
Let Your Heart Speak

Let Your Heart Speak

Turning Pain Into Purpose and Suffering into Peace Dear Brave and Beautiful Sisters,  I’m writing to you as I sit here, taking some time to ponder my thoughts and feelings after a beautiful sister asked me what the difference is between pain and suffering. To be...
Dare to Let Love Lead The Way in 2023

Dare to Let Love Lead The Way in 2023

The enemy is fear, we think it is hate, but it is fear.   Gandhi When you read that our true enemy is fear, although most of us think it is hate, what are your thoughts and feelings, and where and how does fear show up in your life? Where is fear controlling you,...
I Choose Me in 2023

I Choose Me in 2023

I call my power back because I can. Codependency says that I have agreed to work harder on your problems, your addiction, your well-being, and your life than you.  The requirement to be in a codependent relationship of any kind is that I separate from myself, my...
 It’s Time To Wake Up

 It’s Time To Wake Up

 A message from Spirit Four years ago, I was at a retreat, deep in meditation. In that meditative state, I saw myself running with intense urgency into a group of women, some of whom I knew.  As I looked deep into each woman’s eyes, I gently yet firmly held her...