by | Feb 1, 2023

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Dear Sisters,

I am calling on you to be brave, to pause, and to come back home to your heart as you discover how to fiercely ignite the fiery flame of love from within.  

I have been eagerly awaiting so we could really dive into The Awakening to Self-Love, that place inside of you where weakness is turned to strength, emotional turbulence to inner peace, and where nothing is ever lost and everything is found, filled, and set free.

We must listen inward, see inward, and feel inward to move forward.

  • What do you feel and think when I say it’s time to Awaken to Self-Love? What does that mean to you?
  • What do you feel and think when I ask what parts of yourself desperately need your love?
  • What do you feel and think when I say, how well are you loving yourself?

It’s time to pause, come home to your heart, and begin to awaken to self-love.

If you would like to chat about how to awaken to self-love, schedule a free consultation

Join me for breathwork, where we will continue the journey inward with our focus being on Awakening to Self-Love so that you can be more fully in service to love and more fully aligned with the voice of your soul… 

Releasing and letting go of…

The ideas that keep you in relationships that hurt your heart,

The ideas that keep you in a profession that isn’t really a calling, a vocation,

The ideas that keep you with friends that don’t really see or support you.

The ideas that keep you from feeling worthy of the life you were meant for. 

The ideas that keep you from taking care of your beloved bodies. 

The ideas that suggest you should stay quiet and small, which will keep you safe.

The ideas that tell you to stay the same, that change is too hard, too terrifying.

Stop pretending…

That you’re small

That you have to siphon your power through others

That love only exists in someone else, in a single relationship

That you’re not a miracle right now, right here in the flesh

As you grow in love for yourself, you will become more fully aligned with the voice of your soul.

That voice, that invitation for you to experience love like never before, requires you to be brave as you begin to…

Take each breath seriously

Take each second seriously

Free yourself from the thoughts that bind you to what has been,

Use each day wisely, and listen deeply to what your soul wants you to do.

You Beloved Sister are here in this lifetime only briefly. So why not Become what you alone are meant to be, so you can do what has never been done before? 

Be Legendary

Be immense

Be the truth of who you are.

Together let’s be in service to love and be a voice for the voiceless until each Sister finds her way home to her most Awakened True Self.

In Love and Together We Rise,


About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.