by | Jan 20, 2022

I was inspired to share a poem that I can relate to, and I’m sure you can, too. It’s common to have the same reaction to a situation, unknowingly forming habits, creating our own patterns.

Most of the time, we don’t see these patterns until they are so ingrained in us and those around us that we feel helpless and unable to make the changes we know we need.

Often, the first steps are to acknowledge a problem and that it’s time to change. Then sharing your situation with someone who can help guide you to a solution, one step, one day at a time.

I want you to realize that these first steps are the hardest.

And the good news is, we are not meant to do this alone.

Preparing to change your pattern of behavior in a safe, non-judgmental community that offers guidance and support will set you on a path to being successful on this journey. No more waiting, today is the day to begin the change you want and deserve!

I invite you to join me on February 1st in this 4-week workshop.

You will:

  • Arm yourself with information
  • Identify the change(s) you want and why they are important to you.
  • Identify your next steps.
  • Take inspired action.
  • Be part of a circle of sisters who are breaking their silence, isolation, and loneliness together, without judgment, comparison, and in full support of one another. You never have to be alone or live in secret again.

With love,

About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.