by | Jan 10, 2023

Turning Pain Into Purpose and Suffering into Peace

Dear Brave and Beautiful Sisters, 

I’m writing to you as I sit here, taking some time to ponder my thoughts and feelings after a beautiful sister asked me what the difference is between pain and suffering. To be honest, I had never asked or been asked that question – one I knew needed some deep heartfelt thought and consideration. 

Here is what I heard my heart speak:


Pain is a word and an experience that every human being can relate to as part of the human condition and experience. None of us escapes pain any more than we escape change. It’s part of being alive and part of life.

Pain is a matter of turning inward toward one’s heart. Listening, feeling, being with, and allowing pain, in its most raw and real form, to be our greatest teacher, providing us with the opportunity to grow, heal, change, transform, find our purpose, and fuel our passion.

Pain in and of itself is temporary, acute, and fluid and can propel us to go further, feel more, and become more aligned with our highest and truest selves. It is the guide to our divinity and our way back home to our hearts and living wholehearted lives.


Suffering is pain left untended, stuffed down, ignored, avoided, or numbed. 

Suffering is separation from our hearts and ourselves, leaving us feeling helpless, isolated, and without the power of choice leading to a half-hearted life. 

Suffering is pain accumulated, absorbed, and denied that soon becomes chronic, ongoing, neverending, dense, heavy, and stored in the cells of our body. We can become sick.

The antidote to suffering is unconditional self-compassion while choosing to step onto the path of healing in the presence and company of others. Suffering cannot be healed in isolation or by oneself. It is an ongoing process that requires your attention, commitment, and devotion. Healing our pain and suffering is not for the faint of heart. You must be brave!

Suffering is a choice, not a sentence; you’re the only one with the power to choose to release your suffering and restore your peace. All you have to do is say yes, and begin your healing journey one day, one step at a time. There is no quick fix, no single cure, and no bypasses. 

Each of us must choose the brave path of healing and stay the course. This is the journey where the magic of transformation and healing happens. Not in silence, not in secret, not alone, ALWAYS in community, ALWAYS in and among women who will walk the same healing path alongside each other every step of the way, lovingly bearing witness to each other’s messy, beautiful healing journey.

So today, softly and compassionately listen to your heart in answer to the following questions.

  • Where are you suffering, holding onto an outcome, desire, or need for things to be different?
  • What is it that you desire that lies underneath your suffering? What are you needing, craving, or demanding to be different before you can feel better? Is that possible?
  • Where are you saying to yourself, “my well-being, my happiness, my existence is dependent upon the outcome I am attached to?” And unless that happens, whether possible or not, I am bound to my suffering.
  • What place of suffering do you know you need to let go of whether you’re ready to or not?
  • Are you willing, ready, or not to begin or continue your healing journey?

If you are willing, ready, or not and don’t know where to begin or continue your healing journey, I would love to chat with you. (schedule a time to chat here)

If you are ready to allow and to experience release from your suffering, body, mind, and soul, join me this Sunday for Transformational Breathwork, a shift will occur, and change will begin to happen.

To continue your journey, get notified when registration opens next month for Foundations of Change, A Homecoming of The Heart.


With Big Love and Arms Wide Open,



About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.