by | Aug 4, 2021

“You can’t heal what you don’t feel” 

A few weeks ago, we began looking at the seven steps to happiness in recovery by defining addiction and recovery, with the first step toward happiness being commitment. Commitment to change, sobriety, honesty, healing, to the process of the journey. There’s no easier, softer way, no bypass, quick fix, or shortcuts. The only way to create change is one day, one step at a time, beginning with commitment.

You see we all are, have been, or know someone who is addicted to something. Anger, love, food, drugs, alcohol, codependency, sex, media, feeling bad, work, busyness, blame, etc.

You name it we can become addicted. Recovery is about taking the steps needed and necessary to create change in our mind, body, and spirit as we begin to reconnect to those parts of ourselves that have been lost, set aside, abandoned, or ignored.

The first step is to acknowledge there is a problem, which always stems from the inside. That’s why it’s so important to commit to the process, to recovery, to healing. Small steps over time create big change. But, you’ve gotta keep going, hang in there, and persevere no matter what!

As you do this, what begins to change and develop is your character.

Our Character is defined by what we do when we think no one is looking.
Commitment leads to character
Character leads to dignity.

Discovery Questions


  • What are your character qualities and how are they being reflected?
  • Is there any room for improvement or development?
  • If so, where and how?
  • What is one step you can take this week toward creating and building a stronger character?

My name is Mikki Proffitt and I am so excited to be here with you. Each week I will offer you something that matters and makes a difference in your life and the lives of those on the path of discovery in recovery.

Together we will tap into our heart center to talk openly, honestly, and gently about addiction, recovery, healing, the process, the journey. You see it is in the heart where all truth lies, but in order to speak our truth, we must step into our courage. Are you with me so far?

About Mikki Proffitt
My mission in life is to create a space where women like you can share your stories from a place of truth, vulnerability, and safety. Where you can be raw and real, without masks or pretense. You can come as you are, feel seen, heard, held, and witnessed without judgment, and be surrounded by love. As a woman whose own healing journey through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction I have spent over three decades in a career of service to others as an addictions counselor, trauma-informed breathwork, grief movement, and EFT Practioner. My deepest desire is that my work helps women end their suffering as they remember who they are, reclaim their power, and reignite their purpose.