The Power of Self-Love and Authenticity

The Power of Self-Love and Authenticity

What would it feel like to be truly fulfilled and authentically yourself?  To stop searching outside of yourself for happiness?    If you’re here today, it’s likely because you crave a life filled with “more”…more love, passion, joy, abundance…more genuine...
The Third Pillar of Change

The Third Pillar of Change

Gosh, I love that word!  GRIT!!! It just feels powerful, down and dirty, raw and real, with no pretense or masquerading, going the distance, staying the course, taking uncomfortable action!   NO MATTER WHAT, AND I MEAN NO MATTER WHAT! Let me ask you, as a Frontline...
We All Want Change

We All Want Change

The First Pillar of Change: TRUTH All change begins with admitting more, finding your voice, speaking your truth, and acknowledging where you are and where you want to be. It’s time to get honest and ask yourself, “Where in my life am I?” Living a lieRunning on...