Getting Raw & Real About Codependency

Getting Raw & Real About Codependency

“The dis-ease of looking outside oneself”  Nikki Myers Today, I want to have a very real conversation with you about codependency and how it plays out and wreaks havoc in your life. It’s my experience and belief that codependency has been very underestimated and...
The Power Lies in The Pause

The Power Lies in The Pause

As a woman who grew up needing and learning to survive in my family, my ability to perceive danger became very keen. This meant I had to stay alert, on top of things, keep my guard up, antenna raised, and radar on. In the world of recovery, this is known as...
The Woman in the Mirror

The Woman in the Mirror

Twenty-five years ago I was in a marriage steeped in addiction with a teenage daughter who was on the slippery slope of drugs, boys, and all that involves. I felt lost, scared, alone, confused, and desperate for change, even though I had no idea where to turn, who to...