Mikki Proffit

Welcome to Your Path to Change

Guiding You to Transform Self-Doubt into Self-Worth and Uncertainty into Unwavering Trust.

As your path to change doula and sacred healing guide, I guide brilliant, accomplished, and go-getting women just like you—women who pour everything into others and the world around them but often find themselves burdened by self-doubt, uncertainty, and indecision—to become the hero of their own stories.

Mikki Proffit

Welcome to Your Path to Change

Guiding You to Transform Self-Doubt into Self-Worth and Uncertainty into Unwavering Trust.

As your path to change doula and sacred healing guide, I guide brilliant, accomplished, and go-getting women just like you—women who pour everything into others and the world around them but often find themselves burdened by self-doubt, uncertainty, and indecision—to become the hero of their own stories.

So let me ask you: 

Do you ever feel like you’re trudging through life with a backpack filled to the brim with heavy, jagged stones? Each stone isn’t just any ordinary rock; it represents the weight of your unresolved emotions. There’s the cold, hard stone of anger, the sharp, unrelenting stone of grief, the crippling weight of fear, the jagged edge of betrayal, the deep-seated heaviness of hurt, the overwhelming stone of sadness, and the stifling, immovable stone of self-doubt.

With each step, the backpack tugs painfully at your shoulders, draining your energy and making the simplest paths feel like uphill battles.

You find yourself asking, “Is this as good as it gets? After all, I’ve accomplished all I do for others, and I’ve been through everything. Is this really it?”

For way too long, you’ve been:

  • Trying to outrun, outwork, or outsmart that feeling that you are meant for more.
  • Desperately searching for what has been just out of your grasp.
  • Hoping and praying this isn’t true, trying to convince yourself it’s not that bad.
  • Thinking maybe you’ve exaggerated, made a big deal out of nothing, or even made all of this up.
  • Believing if you tried harder, did more, and said less, the feelings of emptiness, self-doubt, heartache, confusion, and unfulfillment would somehow disappear.

You’re desperate to lay these burdens down and finally feel the lightness and freedom that you know has been just beyond your reach.

So here you are—it’s the moment of truth.
You haven’t come this far to only come this far!

Picture yourself finally setting down that heavy backpack you’ve been carrying, unburdening yourself from those emotional stones. Feel the lightness in your steps and the freedom in your heart. Breathe it in!

Stop running from that nagging feeling and face it head-on!

It’s time to fully commit, put yourself first, and persevere, even when the going gets tough—and it will!

Reclaim your voice and embody your power unapologetically, even if you’re not sure what that looks like yet.

Deep down, you know your time is now; you must make real, sustainable changes to avoid ever going back around the mountain again. Understand that there are no quick fixes; this journey requires courage, risk, honesty, willingness, commitment, and unwavering perseverance.

Break free and live as your most powerful, whole, and brilliant self.

Transform and Heal:
Your Journey Begins Now

Hi, I’m Mikki, your Path to Change Doula and Sacred Healing Guide.

With unwavering support, seasoned wisdom, deep understanding, and a genuine connection, you’ll be held as you heal from past trauma, grief, and struggle as you embrace your true self with confidence and grace.

We’ll unravel the mysteries of this process, providing tools and strategies that make navigating the unknown a little easier.

Whether you’re shifting careers, experiencing loss, or facing any life crossroads, you deserve a safe, nurturing, and loving community. By seeing transitions as new beginnings, we’ll discover that seeking support is a true act of courage and wisdom.


Mikki Proffitt

Together, we’ll embark on a transformative journey of real, sustainable change and healing, beginning with who and where you are – right here, right now.

This journey is rooted in truth, which is the catalyst and foundation of all healing and change and the antidote to your pain and suffering.

This journey is not for the faint of heart!

But it is for those ready to take the true hero’s journey. It takes courage and community. Side by side, we embark on a path of sustainable change, transforming together.

The time to choose is now—this journey is yours to seize.

Will you take that courageous risk on yourself and make the first empowering step on your path to change? If you are uncertain, ask yourself if any of these questions resonate with your heart.

  • You never feel like you’re enough, so you do more and try harder to prove yourself while saying less to avoid mistakes or disappointing others.
  • You wait for others to change and fill the void with work, busyness, or even alcohol.
  • You anticipate others’ needs and act before anyone ever asks.
  • Logical thinking overshadows your emotional needs.
  • You have unspoken expectations of others, hoping they’ll meet your needs, but they seldom do.
  • You probably have a secret or two you’ve been carrying around for years.
  • People-pleasing has become second nature.
  • You settle for crumbs hurt that others don’t reciprocate.
  • You carry untended, unhealed, unexpressed losses and grief, although you probably don’t recognize it because you’re too busy to pay attention to yourself or your needs.
  • You have become disconnected from your true essence.
  • Know you were meant for more.

As you might imagine, embarking on any journey requires a roadmap, a compass, and a clear sense of direction. It also calls for mentorship and guidance. You can’t do it alone.

And I’m here to walk with you every step of the way.

Here, you will root in the truth of who you are and who you are meant to be, reclaim your true identity, and heal those wounds. Together, we’ll strip away the facade, confront your self-doubt, and empower you to live a life of sublime freedom and joy. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together so you can finally begin to live as your most powerful whole, brilliant, true you.

Start Your Transformative Journey Now!

Going through Foundations of Change has been a catalyst for transformation for me. For the first time in my life I feel completely grounded in who I am, empowered with a clarity I never had before. Mikki is an AMAZING coach and guide. She created a sacred, safe, and nurturing environment to do this work and imparted much thought-provoking wisdom throughout the program. It was a deeply personal process, and I could feel her unwavering commitment to our personal growth every step of the way.

Jennie Warner

Hypnotherapist , Fly Without Fear

Through the guided breathwork with Mikki I have been able to release what I am carrying that no longer serves me and what isn’t mine.  Throughout the school year, my student’s feelings and struggles stick to me like glue when I go home each night. It is usually not until a few weeks into summer break that I am able to release them in my heart and mind.  Each time I experience the breath work I am able to get back to finding myself as ‘home.’ I am centered and see where I can put my needs, wants and dreams first.  

Beth W

Middle School Teacher

Change your breath. Change your emotions.
Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki

Change your breath. Change your emotions.
Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki

Change your breath. Change your emotions.
Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki